Simple Chapathi and Daal with Salad

There is quite number of dishes that goes well with chapathi. When it comes to Daal and chapathi the simplicity of this dish gives as much satisfaction as with other dishes.

I am sure there is no need for me to write a recipe for this one, but i do want to mention that the when it comes to daal recipes, there is no other place than Sailu's JFI Event roundup, where you can find more than 45 recipes using daal. This event which ofcourse is brain child of Have fun!!!


Jyothi said...

Hi Aruna! whatever you said each and every word, about dal and chapathi combo is 200% correct. I like this combo very much. Thanks for giving the link of sailus dal roundup. I will check it. Once again thanks dear.

Sharmi said...

hey , ya I think I can find some dal recipes there. never clicked me. thanks for that.

Ramya said...

da and chapati together goes very well.yummy.....